Our small horsepower
well-pad compression
Whether you’re looking for a custom well-pad compression package to optimize a gas lift application or an electric drive package to take advantage of available infrastructure, you want it up and running quickly. You can’t afford to lose months —or more — chasing down answers, managing a design and following up on fabrication. You certainly don’t have time for shutdowns from low-quality products. You need expert design, reliable manufacturing, and responsive customer service.
At McClung, we understand. We specialize in well-pad compression between 150 HP and 800+ HP. Our focus lets us optimize our manufacturing space, capacity, and vendor relationships. This means you get high-quality, cost-effective, well-pad compression equipment from one of the best names in the industry - McClung Energy Services.
We provide gas and electric well-pad compression packages and services for the major basins in the lower 48 states. From the Appalachian Basin to the Permian Basin and from the Bakken down to the bottom of the Eagleford.